Linzi Howard
Hello Everyone :D
I'm Creative Blossom and I'm just an illustrator looking to get out there.

My Latest Piece

Done as a Birthday Gift for Matt Ryan - the actor - involving himself and his characters

Inspired by an image of the actor to play John Constantine, this was made in celebration of the release for the Animated Constantine

Punk Constantine when he was younger and in his band, Mucous Membrane

Jezebel (my OC) and Zatanna turned John into a bunny again

A mysterious tunnel leading to where? The lone lamp-post and the full moon provide the only lighting.

A hospital waiting room, where one usually spends long hours when waiting in the A&E

Done as a gift for a friend, Tanner, here is his OC Raffles, and my pony version of John Constantine both having a smoke and wearing scarves.

Done as an Art trade with Ladymintleaf on DeviantArt - her OCs Bolt and Tempest.

Batman doing one of his many takedowns from the Arkham Knight game, one that involves his car - the Batmobile.